Pack Co ai : You will get 1 piece of Ha made Dream Catcher. The dime io of this dream catcher are (L X B X H cm) A i ricately ha wove dream catcher from RPH Ha icrafts to keep those ghtmares at bay while also e a i the overall look a vibe of your room. Home Decor Piece : This dream catcher is made from a willow hoop that is ha wove with fabrics like t a lace. It is further decorated with items like feathers a beads to give it a more bohemia a u o e io l look a feel. he Best Gift Item : Whether you are i ited to a birthday party or a housewarmi party, this dream Catcher would prove to be the best gifti item. While these art pieces do have a lot of sig fica e a history behi them, they have also rece ly become o of the most sought after stateme pieces for home décor. So, if you are goi to a kids’ birthday bash, co ider surprisi the little o with this sweet little prese . ide Ra e of Optio : With such a wide ra e of u que desig , colours, shapes a sizes, you will defi tely be spoilt for choice! 1 Pick the Moo Desig to give your room a your dreams a more philosophical a ethical tur 2 Keep those ghtmares at bay with the Evil Eye Desig a be sure that o y sweet dreams e er your room. 3 Give your room a vibra feel with the Multicolour/ Kaleidoscopic Desig a make your dreams a little more fu a e ertai .